Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Missing Uncle Chris

Yesterday my son said "Momma, I miss Uncle Chris."

How can words like that not tear at your heart?

I tried to help him remember the last time he saw my brother, but he was only ten so the memories come harder for him. I remind him of a few special times with Uncle Chris and he smiles. I know he misses him because my brother's picture disappeared into his room last year.

I would have liked for my brother to be a part of my son's teenhood - he really did enjoy playing with my son as a child. I imagine they would have had many adventures together and talked about boy-stuff that its not cool to talk about with your parents.

I miss him too.


Anonymous said...

i would have love to have met my little brother although we never met i miss him too hes left a hole that cant be filled

Anonymous said...

i love your blogs allie they make me feel part of your life kate xx

Allie Wojtaszek said...

It makes me angry to think that you never got a chance to meet him, because of a stupid accident.